recursivity + contingency
yuk hui
Talk about 'The Stack' by Benjamin Bratton
barker speaks
A System based on historical spirituality in Bali : 

Kevin Kelly(wired magazine) talking about all things "neo biological":

Melanie Mitchell on complexity:

°°°trauma bodies under planetary scale computing°°°(??)
the stack
benjamin bratton
Gruinard Island as possible example of interaction between different layers in stack (click me not in edit mode) - this is specifically comparable to other sites of disaster (e.g. Chernobyl/Fukushima). These are still 'classical' accidents, e.g. the type Virilio talks about. Do we have any idea about accidents to come? Can we predict accidents for the stack we have and the stack to come, or both or neither? 
imo Lynn Margulis is an important reference when thinking about emergent systems. SET theory really puts the nails in the coffin of mechanism being a viable method of analysis for complex systems, and bacterial strategies of reproduction, survival and warfare are all increasingly applicable to other fields. Maybe not a key thing to talk about in our study but definitely a possible source of inspiration.
I think there are already a few existing examples of
bacterial techniques applied to engaging with ISO-OSI model (though I'm fairly rusty on it so please correct or tell me if this seems like bs): 

1. MAC address changers: one very simple example of techniques that can be used to attack data link layer of ISO-OSI. Comparisons can be drawn between this and antigenic variation, as well as much looser attachments to identity exhibited by bacteria.

2. Polymorphic code: a further example using the same ideas. Polymorphic code mutates every time it runs but keeps the algorithm intact. This is relatively tame compared to biological viruses, for example Spanish flu (H1N1) lineages, which are extremely open to contingency, mutating and evolving by taking advantage of stochastic processes. What are the similarities and differences between viral strategies of development based on accident and Virilio's analysis of accident as the motor of technological development?
uproxy - 'a tool what allows internet users to pair up, becoming a single entity. for example, a user in China could pair up with a user in Norway to bypass internet restrictions or to 'hack' information intended for the other pair member. this would require two, simultaneous man in the middle attacks.'
"we can also imagine another stack in which the user is an environmental sensor, the interface is a data reporting API, addresses are assigned to individual threshold events all working in the city layer of a transnational rainforest as part of a carbon risk re-insurance cloud platform..its not hard to come up with these science fiction scenarios"
technical mentality
gilbert simondon
African Fractals - Modern Computing and Indegionius Design - Ron Eglash
Talk about the 'End of World' by Federico Campagna. I found this to be related to recursion in self-referential systems.
"Indra's Net symbolizes the universe as a web of connections and interdependences"

This is a bit random but I thought it was cute. :)
"it’s also organised through the narrative of the sequence." Suhail Malik from Hyperstition film.

This is attempting to illustrate a recursion loop.
Sx0 relates to the state before transformation and Sx1 relates to the state after transformatin.

The procedures are the state transformations or actions within the recursive function.

The start/end of routine can also be thought of the start/end of a world.

Different types of Execution (between start and end of routine)
Installation by Ken Rinaldo
Analysis Exploring Synergies Among Agricultural Sustainability Dimensions: An Empirical Study on Farming System in Almería
Zeros and Ones
Sadie Plant
recursive video games (video games that play themselves) - interesting link between repetition of volatile events (e.g. twitching) leading to generation of informartion and reduction of 'boredom'.